W. Edward Goodhart Storage Tank

The Shippensburg Borough Authority water system was below the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection recommended storage standards for some time and did not have any dedicated storage in its middle pressure zone. This pressure zone had experienced increased water usage in recent years, especially from local industry. RETTEW recommended a new 3-million-gallon water storage tank designed to provide additional water storage to the system’s middle pressure zone.

RETTEW performed a complete analysis of the existing system and calculated storage needs for future growth projections. We designed a new tank that allowed the Authority to provide service to new customers in the western end of the system while increasing low pressures experienced by current customers. The new tank also allowed for expansion of local industries. There was some concern from local residents, but RETTEW worked with the client during the conditional review process to answer residents’ questions. As a result, a subconsultant provided a pre-blast survey and continuous seismic activity data loggers for nearby neighbors during construction. Our ability to manage all aspects of the project in house enabled us to complete the project on schedule.


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Awards, Employee Update

Felicia Bechtel Selected as Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

We are thrilled to announce Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG, Senior Geophysical Advisor at RETTEW, has been named as…

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Driving Safety Tips

For some of us, the most dangerous thing we do every day is drive to and from work….

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