Freshwater Impoundment Design

Facing an aggressive schedule as well as volume constraints and permitting restrictions, this natural gas client needed a smart design for this freshwater impoundment. Having previously designed the adjacent well pad site, RETTEW coordinated with the client’s water professionals at that site for planning and scheduling efforts at the impoundment. This integrated approach allowed us to exceed the client’s aggressive design schedule.

The combined location provided localized water storage for the well pad and surrounding pads, carefully balancing dam storage requirements with required volumes. Our design allows for approximately 7 percent additional volume while staying under regulatory thresholds. During construction, RETTEW’s construction manager was able to save the client approximately $30,000 in material costs. This impoundment allowed the client’s fracking operations to stay on schedule without delays or downtime.


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Awards, Employee Update

Felicia Bechtel Selected as Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

We are thrilled to announce Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG, Senior Geophysical Advisor at RETTEW, has been named as…

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Driving Safety Tips

For some of us, the most dangerous thing we do every day is drive to and from work….

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