1. Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square Expansion

    Any major expansion plan comes with a myriad of project considerations. For this landmark Lancaster hotel with notable architecture and historic elements, Marriott planned a 68,100-SF addition to accommodate growth in the downtown area. This project had been in the works for several years and required constructing the new hotel space where three buildings stood….

  2. Geophysical Borehole Logging for Landfill Monitoring Well Placement

    A growing landfill required constant monitoring along its periphery to ensure aging liners and containment systems were functioning as designed. New monitoring wells were needed in key locations at proposed expansion points. The geologically complex area required in-depth analysis of migration flow paths to effectively site the monitoring wells. Using borehole geophysics, we detailed planar-feature…

  3. University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Campus Utility Mapping

    For decades, key University of Pittsburgh personnel kept the Bradford Campus facilities and construction projects running smoothly by managing and cross-referencing numerous hardcopy and electronic utility plans and maps that had been created and collected over time. With the upcoming retirement of these key staff, the University of Pittsburgh selected RETTEW to help them turn…

  4. The Reserve at Greenfield

    High Real Estate Group wanted to introduce a new type of market-rate housing in this region of Lancaster County that offered high-end amenities and proximity to goods and services. The selected site was close to shopping, dining, and local attractions, but was constrained by a floodplain, which presented challenges in designing a stormwater system that…

  5. U-Gro Center at Lime Spring Farm

    U-GRO, an early learning center and day care provider, wanted to build a facility in a fast-growing area of Lancaster County to meet the child care needs of families in the region. A location was selected, but the small, 2.67-acre site did not have room for sufficient water quality and stormwater facilities. And, this fast-track…

  6. Shiremanstown Telecommunications Facility

    Triple Crown Corporation, a leading provider of real estate services in the Harrisburg region, had an agreement with a telecommunications company to house cellular antennas on the roof of one of their buildings. When Triple Crown sold this building, they still had to fulfill their obligation and sought to move the antennas to a newly…

  7. Comcast Innovation and Technology Center Safety Consulting

    When constructing the tallest building in the U.S. outside of New York and Chicago, virtually every fitout component is handled multiple times. As such, there is increased risk of injury during delivery, unloading, transporting, shakeout, and installation of critical units like the HVAC systems. For this 1,121-foot-tall, 1.5 million-SF skyscraper, RETTEW worked as the on-site…

  8. The Junction Center

    Looking to expand their existing facility that houses a local radio station, The Junction Center built a new 7,500-SF multi-use performing arts venue, called Landis Hall, to host various events. The project was an adaptive reuse of an existing building — an excellent opportunity to repurpose a vacant property. There were several challenges on the…

  9. 520 Hamilton 3D Laser Scanning

    Part of the larger City Center Allentown project is 520 Hamilton, a new six-story mixed-use building with retail and luxury residences. Ensuring the preservation and integrity of the buildings surrounding the site during demolition and construction required precise measurements. To accomplish this, RETTEW used 3D laser scanning in addition to traditional surveying methods. This technology…

  10. Gobblers Knob Tower Site Wetland Delineation Investigation

    Verizon Wireless proposed a new 100 by 100-foot telecommunication compound, with a 20-foot-wide access/utility easement including a 12-foot-wide gravel access drive and underground utilities. The client needed to confirm if wetlands and stream resources were present within the proposed cell tower site. Verizon hired RETTEW to perform a wetland delineation investigation identifying the boundaries of…


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Committed to Quality

Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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RETTEW Now 100 Percent ESOP-owned

We’re excited to announce that RETTEW is now 100 percent owned by employees, via an Employee Stock Ownership…

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