Kara Kalupson

Senior MS4 Coordinator

My perfect workday would include: spending the morning discussing stormwater permit requirements with municipal staff, and then installing a rain garden with trees and shrubs.

Clients appreciate me for: my knowledge on stormwater regulations and easy-going nature.

Favorite meal or food: oyster stew on Christmas Eve.

Core value that most resonates with me: relationships. Building relationships with our clients helps us understand their needs and expectations so we can provide better service. Developing a good working relationship with internal staff members also helps RETTEW provide better service to our clients.

Best advice I’ve ever received: if you can read, you can do anything.


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Awards, Employee Update

Felicia Bechtel Selected as Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

We are thrilled to announce Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG, Senior Geophysical Advisor at RETTEW, has been named as…

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Driving Safety Tips

For some of us, the most dangerous thing we do every day is drive to and from work….

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