Highspire Borough Roadway Rehabilitation Program

Established in 2005, the Highspire Borough Roadway Rehabilitation Program is a long-term plan designed to address deteriorating roadway conditions throughout the community. The surfaces of numerous roadways contain potholes, rutting, and cracking; subsurfaces are not built to modern standards; and stormwater facilities are undersized and in some cases, nonexistent. The Borough created this more than $1 million program to prioritize and address these critical roadway needs.

On an annual basis since 2005, Highspire Borough has analyzed the condition of their roadways and established a rating system to prioritize those that are in greatest need of reconstruction or rehabilitation. Partnering with RETTEW, the Borough has been successful in implementing this program to the benefit of Highspire residents and business owners and visitors to the Borough. The advantages of this program include improved roadways and storm drainage, which help reduce localized flooding and improve vector control; improved access for emergency management; reduced future maintenance costs; and stabilized and enhanced neighborhoods and properties. To date, the Borough has completed improvements on more than a dozen roadways, and RETTEW has helped procure more than $1.2 million through various grants to bring these projects to fruition.


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Awards, Employee Update

Felicia Bechtel Selected as Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

We are thrilled to announce Felicia Bechtel, MSc, PG, Senior Geophysical Advisor at RETTEW, has been named as…

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Driving Safety Tips

For some of us, the most dangerous thing we do every day is drive to and from work….

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