1. Oil and Natural Gas Feasibility Study

    The Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation covers 850,000 acres in northcentral New Mexico. The Jicarilla Apache Nation (Nation), one of the single largest mineral owners in the San Juan Basin, wanted to better understand the types of environmental and hydrocarbon resources present in the northeast sector of their reservation. This environmentally sensitive area includes approximately 200,000…

  2. Temporary Waterline Construction

    An oil and gas client wanted a more efficient and cost-effective method of conveying source water to their drilling and completions operations in the Power River Basin, Wyoming, and decided to use temporary waterlines to eliminate the costly process of trucking in shipments of water. After completing hundreds of successful temporary waterlines projects for the…

  3. Water Withdrawal Monitoring

    A natural gas client required ongoing water source monitoring to maintain water withdrawal operations. Endangered and threatened species inhabited a nearby wetland, prompting the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to require semi-annual monitoring of area plants, the macroinvertebrate community in the stream, and the stream’s flow volume and water chemistry. RETTEW’s integrated services provided design of…

  4. Conowingo TMDL Implementation Planning and Watershed Implementation

    The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) lists the Conowingo Creek Watershed as an impaired stream. Because the Conowingo is historically a coldwater fishery and at one time supported a viable trout fishery, the Donegal Chapter of Trout Unlimited (DTU) was interested in its restoration. RETTEW worked closely with DTU to secure grant funding…

  5. Franklin & Marshall College Brickyard Wetlands

    As part of a conservation and enhancement endeavor on Franklin & Marshall College’s (F&M) Brickyard property, the college decided to create additional wetland habitat to preserve existing floodplain wetlands and create a riparian planting corridor that offers educational and recreational opportunities to students and the public. Located along the Little Conestoga Creek, this project diversifies…


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Committed to Quality

Today is World Quality Day, which honors professionals for the quality work they do every day. At RETTEW,…

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Company News, Employees

RETTEW Now 100 Percent ESOP-owned

We’re excited to announce that RETTEW is now 100 percent owned by employees, via an Employee Stock Ownership…

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